Friday, July 28, 2006

NEW BLOG--will not be posting on this one anymore

Since I am not in Erin anymore I figured I will get a blog address that doesn't say that I am. So for now on I will be posting on my NEW BLOG---

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Well I have just returned from (what Jesse has named "Lift Off")...our first Thursday, Summer Sr High event.
I had no idea what to really expect going into this...but at the end of the night I feel it went well over all....though very very very far where I hope it will end up. All in all, for the first night of this...and with fairly little planning because of work, I am pretty happy with it.
We had 16 highschool students tonite...Eventually...We bumped the time back to 8pm cuz we knew sr highs are busy in the summers with summer jobs and soccer etc......but it's still tough for them to make it by 8pm even. So I was a little anxious at 8:15 when only 3 kids were there.....but we knew more were coming who had soccer until 8:30....and than also a bunch of others showed up that were totally unexpected.....
Just means for the next one I am gonna have to make some adjustments to make sure the night runs smoother even with people showing up really late. I am always humbled to reflect on ministries I am involved in and realize...I don't have a clue what I am doing....but yet, I keep learning, and I keep realizing that I don't really matter as much as I sometimes like to think, cuz God will use me any which way I let Him....amen to that...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

well, much is going, Chandra, Dusty and Konrad and Tiernan are down from Montana. It's been great to have them here! Beginning next week, I will be running some stuff every other week for the Sr Highs in Chatham. Jesse will be helping out, and doing worship. Should be awesome!
This coming Sunday night (July 9) I will get an opportunity to preach at the evening service at GDAC. I always love the chance to preach, anywhere. Though it's always a little weird in Chatham since that is where I grew up.

I am saving up to buy a laptop for next year. Something that is can doing everything pretty well and good quality. Been looking at Dells, Macs, a little bit of HP....and Sony, but it's too expensive I think.....I think it might come down to a Dell or a Mac...any suggestions? (maybe someone like Paul could chime in on this!)

a reflection of You
How can anyone say: "this is not Your handiwork; there is no Creator"
Like an artists' brush stroke
So intricate, yet so bold
Continuing far beyond the page of my view.
My view is so very small
My perception fatally skewed
Yet when I catch just a glimpse
Of Your Glory
Your Majesty
Your Greatness.
I try to imagine,
what Holy really is
But I fall so short,
yet not out of reach of Your grace.
Intensely, I try to think of You;
to stand in awe
and trembling fear.
Yet I approach...
with a bold confidence.
The Creator of my flesh,
of my bones,
of the stars, each one named.
And beyond my imagination,
creation still waits; undiscovered
yet continually brings glory to Your Name.
I try to imagine...
You are impossible,
You are Truely Lord, Truely God.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Bible Reflections

Not a whole lot going on to 'type' about. I was in Erin last weekend, which made me realize how much I love the people at that church! Other than that not much exciting is going on, but since some people do check this once in a while I figured I would give you something to read.

GEN. 1 The Beginning
.1a-The first verse in the first chapter of the Bible gives us our first and most important glimpse of who God is. "In the beginning" begs the question: what was the beginning and what was before the beginning? As stated in this verse the beginning was the creation of the heavens and the earth. But before the heavens and before the earth, there was God; before the beginning God was. Before we even start to think about God as the Creator of everything, we must try to fathom God as just being, forever being, before anything, and out of God came everything. "In the beginning God..." the eternality of God is of utmost importance for everything from this verse on, not just for our creation, but also our salvation.
.1b-Before the beginning God was. Therefore out of God the beginning came. An eternal God marked the beginning of time by Creation. "God created the heavens and the earth." The expanse of the earth is even now not fully known to human minds, and how much less the heavens. Yet God spoke each into being. It did not occur by chance, but by an intentional and loving God who created the universe as an expression of his great power and might, and more so His great Love.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

"music video"

I've posted a video on Dropshots....check it out at

It's of a few guys from the Chatham youth group messing around during worship team practice. They are just messing around here, but I personally think they sound pretty good! I love his voice.

It's been great helping out a little with the students in Chatham. I'm doing some discipleship stuff with a few new Christians which is really exciting. I also may be running something through the summer for the Sr Highs here, as they don't have anything much planned. We'll have to see how much time I will have though.

Other than that stuff though life is pretty boring here....

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Amazing God Stuff

God continues to blow me away.
I have been helping with the Sr High youth here in Chatham. They have asked me to do most of the speaking. I am currently doing a 3 part series. Week 1 was last week-"A Radical View of God", tonite was week 2 -"A Radical View of You" and Week 3 will be -"A Radical View of others"
Tonite in preparation I was spending some time in prayer about what God wanted me to say, and just praying for the kids who would be there, and trying my best to listen for what God was saying. Well I really felt God wanted me to pray for a couple new people to come out. So I said "Ok God, If you would bring at least 2 new people who aren't Christians tonite that would be awesome!" (which is something else for Chatham which is often JUST church kids at youth)
So as 7pm rolls around I am at the church watching people come in, and sure enough one of the girls brought 2 of her friends from school!!!!
Tonite I talked about how "the chief end of man is toe glorify God..." I start with how amazingly we were created by God, and then moved on through 'the Fall' and how we were all 'dead in our sins' with no way to get back to God....This of course leading to 'the Cross' and the sacrifice of Christ and how we can all be made 'alive through Christ'.....And how it's only by Christ in us that we can glorify God.
anyways.....the point of all this the end of the talk I gave opportunity for people to come to Christ if they had never done so, and two people decided to give their lives to Christ tonite!!! (along with 7 christian youth who said they need to 'get back to the cross' and want to live a life that truely glorifies God.

i asked God to bring two non-Christians, and I left praising God for two new additions to the Kingdom!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Line of Credit Update!

About $1640 used, which leaves me about $4460 remaining. That should be enough spending money for the summer! Gonna have to get another Line of Credit in the fall for tuition though. Gotta love free money......(yes Jen, I know, it's not actually free) but hey for the time being it feels like it!